Do It Yourself Home Security Systems For Your Protection

Do It Yourself Home Security Systems For Your Protection - MultiTechGuru

It would be best if you did everything to keep your home safe from threats. One of the biggest problems facing people these days is having their homes burglarized. This article is a guide for people who want to know the best way to keep their valuables and families safe to maintain a piece of mind.

Cameras are a great way to protect your home and family. If you make the cameras noticeable, just having them on your property is enough to deter many criminals. In recent years, high-quality video surveillance systems have gone down in price and are affordable for almost any budget.

If you use a social media site such as Facebook, it can be tempting to tell everyone that you are planning to go away or are already away. Try not to post about being away until you are back, especially if your site is not private. You never know who could be watching and see it as an opportunity to break in.

Consider whether your glass door panels could allow burglars into your home. It’s easy for thieves to break the glass panels so that they can reach into the home and open the door. If you have doors with glass panels, they should be secured using deadbolts that require entry with a key, replaced, or fortified.

Do not forget to secure the garage attached to your home. Many garage owners fret over burglars entering this way, but there are answers. If your garage door happens to lift on a track, using a C-clamp can help. The C-clamp prevents the door from opening if it’s tightened on the track close to the roller.

Keep your external home wiring undercover. You don’t want your wiring to be obvious to the wrong types of people. It invites the risk of a criminal cutting your phones and electricity, but it is also often something thieves seek out! Copper (often in wires) can be sold for a reasonable price.

Make sure that everyone in your family is familiar with the emergency numbers on your phone. Also, have each of these programmed so that it only takes one touch of a button to dial them. This will allow everyone in your house to be of quick service if something goes wrong.

Install timers on your indoor lights. Timers can make your home look occupied if you plan to be away from home after dark. This is especially useful if you plan a vacation or other extended stay away from home. Ensure the timer is set differently in each room, as all the lights turning on at once do not look natural.

Do not leave notes on your door for family members or people coming to service your home. You may think nothing of it, but it lets everyone know that no one is inside. It is good to give people a call ahead of time and instructions.

Avoid putting your name on your mailbox. As silly as it may seem, doing so gives a thief ammunition to break into your home. They could quickly call directory assistance to get your phone number using your name. Then, they will call you to find out if you are home or not.

If you have a security system and go away often, you may want to consider putting surveillance cameras all-around your property. Nowadays, there is software to view what is going on through the Internet. This is a great way to keep an eye on your property when you are gone.

Never open the door if you are not expecting company. Always look first, whether through a peephole or a window. If you don’t know the person at the door and feel uncomfortable, don’t answer it. If it is someone important, they can always come back or call you on the phone.

If you have to leave home for an extended period, do things to make the home look occupied. Put lights on timers to turn on in the evening and off at bedtime. Do the same with the television or radio to make your home appear lived in.

Think about safety when designing your home. Keep your doors and windows clear of any shrubbery. If criminals know you can see them, they are less likely to break in. Plan your greenery and shrubbery for areas away from the direct path to your home to add beauty while still keeping your house safe.

Consider hiring a home security company that offers a little extra. Many companies today offer keyless entry devices for your home, ways to monitor your home from your smartphone, and even video monitoring equipment so you can watch your home. These services can provide you with additional peace of mind, and they are worth exploring.

Ask about a maintenance schedule for your home security system. Many companies offer this free of charge. A maintenance schedule allows a qualified technician to enter your home, make adjustments, improvements, and upgrades to your existing system, and check to make sure it is working correctly. Your system will not help you if it is not working, so this is important.

After installing your security system, talk to your insurance company. Many insurance companies offer discounts to policy owners who choose to install a security system. This can save you much money on your homeowner’s insurance, and it may help to offset the cost of the security system you have installed.

If someone knocks on your door when you’re not expecting company, check to see who it is before you open the door for them. Ask them to identify themselves, check through a window, peephole, or even a video system. Taking this precious second to check out a visitor can spare you much trouble.

It is never good to find out that your home has been entered without your permission. Not only are your valuables gone, but your personal space has been violated. Use the tips here if you need help making sure your home is as secure as possible.