Simple Advice That Will Help You Control Your Asthma

Simple Advice That Will Help You Control Your Asthma - MultiTechGuru

Many people today are becoming more conscious of how much asthma is affecting their lives and how much they can control their asthma. Learning how to control your asthma is that you have to learn new tips and strategies to do so. Tips and strategies like the ones in this article will help you find effective ways to deal with your asthma and, hopefully, find a way to control it.

Avoid living with smokers. Ask your partner to quit if you have asthma. If you have to live with smokers, try to get them to smoke outside the house. In the worst-case scenario, buy some smoke-eating candles and air out your house as much as possible so that no harmful chemicals remain in the air.

It would be best if you only used non-aspirin pain relievers to keep your asthma under control. Both Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and Aleve can irritate the lungs and worsen the effects of your asthma over time. Tylenol has no adverse effects on asthma users and can be taken regularly.

Cigarette smoke and asthma do not mix. Refrain from smoking! It is also a good idea to avoid fumes or vapors from harsh chemicals, such as those used in cleaning. More often than not, smoke will trigger an unavoidable asthma attack. If others smoke and you are nearby, get away from them immediately.

Learn as much as you can about living with your condition. Knowledge is power! Make sure you are well informed about the causes and known natural and prescribed ways to control your symptoms. Living with asthma can be difficult and cause unwanted stress in your personal life.

If you do not understand the early signs of asthma, look for more frequent symptoms that have become increasingly worse, such as coughing, wheezing, and chest pressure or pain. If your symptoms keep you up at night or wake you up, contact your allergist right away.

If you have asthma, know your triggers. What is it that causes an asthma attack to come on? Many common triggers are allergies and irritants. For some, it is exercise or extreme temperatures. Emotional or anxiety issues can also cause asthma-type attacks. Knowing what causes your attack can also be what will help you find a proper treatment.

If you have asthma and your house will be painted, try to leave your house for a few days. Spend some time at a family or friend’s home. The fumes and smells of wet paint can cause asthma symptoms to increase and can even cause severe asthma attacks.

If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, speak to your doctor, but don’t immediately discontinue your asthma medications. In many cases, especially for those with severe asthma, stopping the use of asthma medications is more harmful to the fetus than the effects of the medication. Without proper treatment, asthma inhibits the oxygen that enters your bloodstream, and this means that a pregnant woman with untreated asthma can’t deliver oxygenated blood to her baby.

Avoid mucus producers when you are having an attack. Things like milk and citrus products such as orange juice and lemonade are all mucous producers. Drinking these products will only stand to make your breathing more difficult. Avoid foods and beverages which contain these ingredients to keep your system free of any extra mucous buildup.

Because a significant amount of the day is spent sleeping, you want to ensure that your bed and linens are kept clean. Dust and skin particles can quickly accumulate over time and complicate your asthma condition. It would be best if you tried to wash your linens with hot water at least once a week. And to be safe, keep your respirator and phone close by when you go to sleep.

Keep track of the number of times you use your rescue inhaler per week. If you use it more than two times a week, your asthma may need to be better controlled, or you are going through a usual period that brings on more regular attacks. The number of times you use your inhaler can serve as an excellent reminder to monitor your environment and other aspects of your asthma management plan.

Watch out for food additives, especially MSG (monosodium glutamate) and metabisulfite. These additives can cause a reaction in people with severe asthma. This food allergy often goes unnoticed because MSG can be a “hidden” additive, showing up under various names. These include hydrolyzed protein, autolyzed yeast, and calcium caseinate ingredients.

Do your research. While you should always follow your doctor’s orders, please do not rely on them as your sole source of information. Check out or buy books on asthma and look into support forums online. You will see many options for care, and your doctor will appreciate having a well-informed patient.

Clean your house and get rid of clutter. Asthma attacks are often triggered by the presence of dust in the air. Cluttered surfaces are harder to dust than clear ones, and hard floors are better than carpeting or rugs. Dust with a damp cloth to avoid throwing it up into the air.

When you have asthma, you must bring your inhaler with you. The last thing you ever want is to be short of breath and not have a device to facilitate your situation. Error on the side of caution and bring your inhaler with you every place you go.

Every single week, get in the habit of washing your bedsheets. During the day, dust mites will reside on your bed, inciting asthma symptoms when you sleep. Clean your sheets to eliminate this dust mite and create a clean area for resting.

This article should help you feel more comfortable with how to control your asthma. If you feel like you need to reread the information in this article, then don’t hesitate. Your goal is to retain and use this information to your ability. If you do that, then you should feel the results.

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